Say H E L L O to the first comprehensive job placement resource dedicated to the Art of teaching DANCE.
We believe that the ARTS get to the heart of what it means to be human. Art teachers are storytellers supporting the primary way in which we communicate with each other and about the world. Independent schools have long cherished the arts, expanding their class offerings and investing in state of the art studio spaces, galleries and community performance venues. Independent schools thrive when their art programs flourish. To do this well, they need teachers like you. As an art teacher in an independent school, you push boundaries and bring visionary thinking, craft and community to the campus. You are also the person that can effectively model collaboration between departments and attract a student to choose your school over another. Furthermore art teachers tend to incorporate sophisticated means of feedback to their students, emphasizing progression towards mastery rather than rote learning and conventional modes of assessment. At OESIS we want to be your go-to job search support for Dance jobs in Independent schools and can help you with:
We are looking for teachers and administrators with the following skills:
Best wishes from a fellow artist, Niki |